Psychic Fitness

Pure Love In Material Form

Mystical Embodiment

Tapping into your natural, vast potential for resourcing, growth and interior power, so you can embody your own source connection and abilities for Self-Healing. As a Healing Professional, I exist for those I exist for, and help people to plug back into their own multidimensional empathic soul senses, in order to access their own intuition and answers, and to allow the mystical power of love itself to heal and transform everything. 

I use valuable tools and nature’s way, working with the relational field, nervous system and multisensory psychology – the cutting edge paradigm for working with trauma to help make a real difference in peoples lives. I channel my psychic empathic abilities with healing arts, movement alchemy, embodied wisdom and spiritual perspectives.

My Why? Is that we are profoundly interconnected, inherently good and lit from within, comprised of an ego which makes us fully human and a soul which makes us fully divine. We have the capacity to merge with and live from our essence and direct knowing while in this body! My calling is to help people embody their fullness and original movement to alleviate suffering and bring vitality, for more empowerment, passion and heart-centred leadership!

Eva Marie

Letting Go


Organic Divinity

Embody your own purity as you expand the bandwidth of your personal freedom, happiness and success.

Develop complete receptiveness to your direct experience, using it to generate only more presence for more choice, autonomy and healthy control.  

Undo and transmute toxic patterns and unresolved fear, integrate the psychic discontinuity of trauma and fragmented energies.

Clear energetic blocks and survival adaptations, and learn to be more responsive in the moment and deepen your presence in any situation.

Eva Marie

Spark of infinity

A World of Difference

"So many insights and revelations. So proud of your courage to confront your client, yet you did it in a lovely way. A great skill to be able to have both your masculine and feminine energy present with a client, so you can support her better. It is clear that you are highly intuitive and skilled at interpersonally relating with your clients. Your strengths in being able to discover patterns is clear, and you were not afraid to go deeper with her and also allowing her to ‘sit with it’ and inviting her to try some new tools to do the inner work. You are very powerful and strong, it is clear… Amazing! It is such a pleasure to get to walk this path with you."

Dr Shefali Tsabary, Oprah's leading parenting expert and clinical psychologist, New York Times bestselling author.